Our mission is to provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow. SMART cs focuses on environmental key issues like combating gobal climate change by providing practical solutions in the area of renewable energy.
We are convinced that environmental protection is one of the most important tasks of our time. High CO² emissions in developed and developing economies result in global warming and therefore
require an urgent course correction in our day-to-day activities.
Across Europe 20% of energy consumption is prescribed to be met by renewable energies by
2020. German government is even planning to reach 30% and by 2050 the goal is set to increase to 50%.
Achieving these ambitious objectives require extensive investments in renewable energy sources like photovoltaic, wind or bio gas in order to win citizens, industries and communities to behave
accordingly. Thus, opinion leaders have to inform, motivate and provide expert advice and realistic solutions.
SMART cs place a vital role by taking crucial initiatives on this challenge for the solar energy sector and beyond.